An insight into the mission that is my weight loss journey...

Thursday 6 January 2011

2011 Is going to be a mint year!

Soo.. havn't posted for a while. Went a bit off the rails over xmas hols but back on it with determination this year. Been to the gym every day for the past four days, stuck to my points and generally just feeling great. To top it all off, got extra hours and a pay rise at work. If the year carries on how its started, its set to be the best yet!!
Oh and another new years resolution is to stick to my budget whilst back at uni, which kind of means I can't afford meetings. But me and two of my friends are going to have our own meetings at someones house, which will be fun :)

Monday 15 November 2010

First person noticed!

Weigh in tomorrow after first week on ProPoints....eeek. Nervous and also excited to see if it has worked :) Went xmas shopping today with my family, some of whom I havn't seen for a while, and my auntie noticed that I'd lost weight. Sounds daft but made me so happy that it is physically obvious, i know the numbers show I'm losing but its still good to know people can tell!

Will update tomorrow with WI results!

Wednesday 10 November 2010

First stone!!

So...was meant to go to my weigh in yesterday, but had no cash so couldn't :( Was really annoyed as the plans all changing this week and thought I was gonna get left behind. But instead of doing my normal thing and giving up, I woke up early today (my day off!!) to go to another meeting. AND I LOST 5.5lbs THIS WEEK. Which means I've lost my first stone :D

Definitely back on track now, and off the gym later, so couldn't really be happier :)

Anyone on WW will be starting the new plan this week, and I'm struggling to see how it's going to work. On the old plan, I was on 25 points a day, this plan is 43 + the floating weekly points. The leader said to disregard everything we've ever known about WW, but its hard when it seems like I'm going to be eating so much more. How can I lose weight?! But I guess I'll give it a go, at least for this week, I may be pleasantly surprised :)

Lots of family things going on this weekend, so going to be hard to stay on track but hopefully as my parents know it won't be too tricky - Want to have lost another stone by xmas ideally :)

Current Weight 17st 10
Total Loss - 1st

Sunday 7 November 2010

First post

So...I've tried many things to help me lose weight, and I guess this is another thing to add to the list.
I'm currently on the Weight Watchers plan, but have fallen off the wagon these past couple of weeks with uni deadlines etc. Weigh in on Tuesday, so need to sort my act out from then and get back on it! Hoping that if I get into the routine of posting on here, I'll stick at it for good. And maybe be of some inspiration to others if it is a success.

So, time for some vital stats I guess (cringe as I write this but it has to be done):
Current Weight - 18st 2.5lbs
Weight Loss so far - 7.5lbs